
ETL507 Placement – P Public Library

I have just returned to the land of Canadia from a 7 week trip back to Australia and whilst still battling jet lag and a messed up appetite I am readying myself to start my placement at the P Public Library. Like all MEd TL students, it is a 10 day placement at a library of our choosing – not in a school library if we have ever worked in one, which I have.

My previous exposure to the PPL has been purely as a patron, and even that is pretty limited. I have visited myself as a patron only a handful of times and must confess I often bought books instead of checking them out from the library.

I’m looking forward to the 10 day placement which will straddle the end of the Canadian school year and the beginning of the summer holiday programming. We expected to have a lot fo school groups in for library readings and tours in my first week, however, with the BC teachers strike happening it looks like I wont be seeing any of these groups 😦 There are a few catholic schools in the city, however, so I hope they decide to take a field trip to the library while I’m there.

Till next post!

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